There are so many ways to publicize a book that the only wrong one is believing in one-size-fits-all publicity. My best advice to you is to start early and to think creatively.
Read MoreWriting About Race: A List of Helpful Articles
A client recently asked if I could recommend any articles on writing about race, especially about tokenism versus representation.
Aside from an article on not using food metaphors to describe skin color and another on why “gypsy” is not a word we should be using in the twenty-first century, I didn’t have any bookmarked or to share off the top of my head. Determined to do better, I researched and came up with the following list of articles from writers whose experience leads them to be much more expert on these issues than I am.
Read MoreHiring an Accountant Can Benefit You as a Writer
When you start making income as a writer, there’s good news and there’s bad news.
The good news is: you’re getting paid to write! Congrats! This is a dream come true for so many people. Take a moment to relish that thought before moving to the next paragraph.
The bad news is: if you’re making income as a writer, then your tax return may not be as simple as filing a 1040-EZ anymore.
Read MoreMagpie Writing Warm-Up
Whether we use an idea drawer or not, writers move through life, eavesdropping on conversations, looking out for images, and processing emotions that pique our interests. We then hoard these “shiny objects" in our minds until we’re ready to make them our own and put them on the page.
Read More4 Steps to Creating a Disciplined Writing Practice
How do you keep the effort going when you don’t have the extrinsic motivation of a daily email or a monthlong challenge?
My secret? Slow and steady wins the race. In this post, I offer up 4 tips to creating your own disciplined, sustainable writing.
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