Q&A with Tiffany Grimes of Burgeon Editorial and Design

I’ve known Tiffany Grimes, the editor behind Burgeon Editorial and Design, since we were wee and angsty writers participating in Teen Ink Magazine’s London Writing Program. Through the years our paths have crossed time and time again, and Tiffany is one of my favorite editors to follow on Instagram.

When I heard that she and two other editors (Jeni Chappelle and Carly Hayward) were hosting a virtual writing retreat all about character development in February 2021, I leapt at the opportunity to get more information and to share it with you.

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Four Reasons We Descend into the Underworld: Lessons from Margaret Atwood, Part 2

One of the most pivotal things I gleaned from reading through Negotiating with the Dead was Atwood’s four reasons why we descend into the underworld (i.e., why we write). Last week, I covered the first two: material wealth and to do battle with a monster.

Here, we round out the last two, and hopefully with them, challenge your sense of self as a writer.

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